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3 Best Reasons to Install Roller Shutters

Roller shutters are a popular choice for securing homes in Adelaide - but are they as good as people think they are? While many people still install roller shutters for security, shutters offer so much more benefit to the home owner. In fact, in my experience security is quickly becoming one of the least common reasons clients purchase roller shutters. Not because they are not effective for security, but because the other reasons offer more substantial regular benefits. In this post I look at the 3 best reasons why you would install roller shutters for your home and debunk the security myth.

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Roller shutters and family

1. Save Money and Regulate Temperature

My clients are becoming increasingly aware of the insulating qualities of shutters and this would probably be the number 1 reason why you would want to install shutters.

Roller shutters make a big difference when it comes to insulating your home. Research has shown that as much as 40% of all heat which escapes during winter is from windows and heat gain from an unshaded window can be as much as 100 times that of a insulated wall. These figures seem extreme and if I did not take them from a Australian government site, I wouldn't believe it You can find out more in my post: Top 3 Roller Shutter Questions

Given that South Australia has the highest power prices on earth, this is a big plus for any home. Besides saving money on heating and cooling costs, we all like to be able to regulate temperature. I constantly hear that it is too hot in summer and too cold in winter. We love to have a constant temperature we can feel comfortable in. It keeps everyone in the family happy.

2. Control Light Conditions

If installed correctly, roller shutters allow you create total darkness in the middle of the day. This can be a necessary addition for any shift worker who needs darkness to sleep. Being able to control light is a must have for cinema rooms or even gaming and entertainment. Glare can be a real buzz kill.

How the shutter is installed is a vital part of creating darkness. There is no doubt that anyway the shutter is installed will bring a significant improvement in the ability to control light levels. However, if darkness is desired, you should speak with the installer and ensure that it is installed with this requirement. Typically the installer will suggest installing the shutter 'on face' or 'on wall'. Flashing may also be required to create a tight seal around certain lintel designs and window frames.

3. Improve Peace and Quiet

We all live busy lives and if you are like me, there are times when you want to simply block the world out and not be subjected to the noises of suburbia. In most South Australian homes, the vast majority of noise will move through windows. By adding an insulated layer to the window, you will make a noticeable difference to inside noise levels, helping to stop the families need to increase inside noise to drown out the outside - ultimately giving you a more peaceful home.

Roller Shutters look great

While there are no statistics or studies which can be used to determine the actual level of noise reduction that roller shutters provide, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence from my shift working customers to give me the confidence to strongly recommend shutters for noise reduction. Mostly data can not be provided as there are so many other variables which impact the noise levels within a home including roof and wall materials, types of insulation, gardens and fences in the front yard etc.

No matter which way you look at it, roller shutters are a great option for your home. Gone are the days when people feel as though you paranoid about security and are locking yourself in your home. Whether you are looking to save money on power costs, control lighting situations or block out noise, they are a must have home improvement for your family home.

In fact the only possible drawback may be the look of them. In case you are not sure of what roller shutters are, check out my post: What are Roller Shutters? If you are interested in getting an idea of how much you may be looking at spending, simply get in contact with me. If you send me measurements, I can send you prices.


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